Information Technology @ ACG
From media centers and helpdesks to student software and synchronized email -calendar accounts, ACG's Information Resource Management Department (IRM) provides students with technology resources that can make their academic life more efficient, and feel more manageable.
Information technology is integral to all aspects of academic life at The American College of Greece, including teaching and learning, research & creative endeavors, outreach, administration, and student life. The systems and services impact virtually every aspect of campus life and are central to the academic enterprise as well as administrative processes. As the provider of technology and technology services at ACG, the IRM department is committed to technology innovation consistent with the College’s strategic plan.
Served by IRM, the ACG community includes faculty, staff, students, alumni, parents, and all other individuals and organizations that interact with the College.
More specifically, the following IT services are provided:
- Computer Labs: the ACG student community benefits from various state-of-the-art student computer labs spread throughout the campus, numbering more than 380 stations.
- Specialized Labs: a specialized IT Networking Lab, equipped with CISCO equipment is available for networking specialization students or specialized course offerings for the community. The ACG Simulated Trading Room provides a real sense of technological sophistication, bringing financial markets to the students’ fingertips through cutting-edge software and hardware.
- Enhanced classrooms: all classrooms at ACG are technology enabled. Most are equipped with a projector, screen, sound system and computer.
- Instructional Tools: the Academic Computing division of IRM offers support for a range of instructional tools including Blackboard, the College’s adopted Learning Management System.
- Classroom and Meeting support: IRM Media Centers provides technology support for all classrooms and most college-sponsored academic functions. The Media Centers maintain and operate all video conferencing facilities on the ACG campus and provide web conferencing support.
- Administrative support: administrative computing and network services at ACG are provided by the Administrative Computing division of IRM, which ensures safe and secure access to enterprise systems and the campus network.
We are here for one reason — to support ACG’s mission “to offer a distinctive academic ethos rooted in American higher education best practices and integrating American, Greek and European cultures.”
We accomplish this goal by providing the technical resources, services, and support an IT environment that helps ACG work smarter, faster, and safer.

Mission, Goals & Strategic Plan
To support ACG's strategic goals, IT aims to:
- enable and empower students, faculty and staff
- transform and benefit ACG processes
- serve and support the ACG community
- empower people to become leaders in their profession