Alba's vision is to become one of the leading research-driven Graduate Business Schools in the region, on the basis of academic excellence in research and teaching and its impact on the business world, and become a hub of outstanding faculty and students from all over the world.
SEV Center of Excellence
The SEV Center of Excellence in Creative Leadership (SEV CECL) was established in July 2018 at Alba Graduate Business School thanks to the founding donation of SEV (The Hellenic Federation of Enterprises). Through its world-class research and stimulating dissemination, the SEV CECL aspires to be a force of excellence that will spread the values and practices of creative leadership in Greek society and the rest of the world. Its mission is to advance the generation and dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge about creative forms of leading in the third and fourth decades of the 21st century.
The SEV Center of Excellence holds an annual series of stimulating discussions with distinguished researchers and scholars in order to disseminate to students, executives, and the larger society cutting-edge and management-relevant knowledge about creativity and leadership.