CSR-School 2022 Kick-Off Event

What does education – formal and informal – have to offer with regard to sustainability? How do the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) bridge academia and business in pursuit of a common future? What new skills are needed in the new sustainability landscape as it is taking shape? What do policies on a corporate and state level reflect regarding our progress so far in terms of sustainable development?

This CSR event will bring together representatives of the Greek state, expert professionals from the corporate world, and distinguished academics from both public and private universities for a high-level exchange of ideas based on their shared faith in the value of “Education for Sustainability.”

This event will also be an opportunity to celebrate CSR HELLAS’ major educational initiatives, that is:

  • The CSR School, the Executive Education Program on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, offers advanced theoretical and practical training on the major thematic areas surrounding CSR today. The training program will be officially “kicked-off” at this event, as it begins just over 10 days later on 30 September, for its 4th implementation (Registrations are still open).
  • The “Nikos Analytis” Student Contest on CSR, which brings together teams of students to study, analyze, argue and come up with concrete proposals regarding one or more of the SDGs. The topic of this year was “The Social Impact of Climate Change”, and the event will signal the completion of this 7th cycle of the contest with the award ceremony for the 3 highest-scoring teams.



15:00 - 17:00
The American College of Greece
Aghia Paraskevi


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CSR Hellas

CSR Hellas

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

University of Crete

University of Crete

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Executive Development, Alba Graduate Business School – The American College of Greece

Executive Development, Alba Graduate Business School – The American College of Greece

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


6-8 Xenias Str. GR-115 28
Athens, Greece

Get in Touch

6 Gravias St GR-153 42
Aghia Paraskevi, Greece

Reach Out

101 Arch St., 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02110




6-8 Xenias Str. GR-115 28
Athens, Greece


Get in Touch

6 Gravias St GR-153 42
Aghia Paraskevi, Greece


Reach Out

101 Arch St., 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02110


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