Honoring the Thanksgiving spirit and staying true to our motto – To serve, not be served – ACG members volunteered at the ACG Community Service Day on Monday, November 29.
Pierce Gymnasium and
Honoring the Thanksgiving spirit and staying true to our motto
– To serve, not be served – ACG members volunteered at the ACG Community Service Day on Monday, November 29.
Pierce Gymnasium and Lyceum students with their professors, Deree students from the ACG Sustainability Leaders student organization and the Psychology Society, a representative from the Pierce Parents Association and ACG staff participated in the ‘sweetest’ initiative, organized by the Office of Public Affairs, at the Pierce Home Economics professional kitchen. Together they baked 592 cookies and muffins and packaged them in 165 individual, festive, parcels for people in need!

Speaking of the welcoming and friendly atmosphere Pierce Gymnasium student Irida Gkrekou describes her experience. “Each one of us worked in groups and baked delicious cookies and muffins! There was a strong teamwork spirit, because we all helped each other, when making the mix, baking it, or even placing the cookies in trays. This was such a comforting and fun initiative and I would do it again!”
ACG donated the packages to EPAPSY (Association for Regional Development and Mental Health) and Medical Intervention – Medin, supporting 135 fellow citizens, through the NGO Boroume.
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"What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good", says Aristotle. The ACG Sustainability Leaders not only believe in that but make it their "flag". Cooking for those in need and especially for kids is invaluable!”, says Matina Dimitraki, Deree student and ACG Sustainability Leader.
Because ACG Cares!