The AD (Alper-Doger) Scientific Index recently published the top highly ranked scientists at The American College of Greece.
The AD (Alper-Doger) Scientific Index recently published the
top highly ranked scientists at The American College of Greece. The AD Scientific Index is a ranking and analysis system based on the scientific performance and added value of the scientific productivity of individual scientists.
Today, the value of research and international recognition is key for the standing and recognition of any educational institution. Thanks to our scholars’ hard work and perseverance, ACG maintains its good reputation and can compare to other academic institutions in terms of research and scientific productivity of its academics.
Congratulations to Dr. Ioannis Christou, Dr. Miltiadis Lytras, Dr. Dimitrios Kasselimis, Dr. Charalampos Mainemelis, Dr. Anna Merika, Dr. Nikos Mylonopoulos, Dr. Constantinos Papadias, Dr. Anna Visvizi, and Dr. Pavlos Vlachos!
Dr. Ioannis Christou is Associate Professor of Information Technology at Deree, Fellow of the ACG Research, Technology & Innovation Network and Senior Research Data Scientist at Instrasoft Intl, Lux. Dr. Christou has over 25 years of academic and industrial experience in the IT sector. Dr. Christou’s research interests include Scalable Data Mining, Parallel and Distributed Computing and Optimization and Computational Intelligence. He has published over 90 papers and a book, and is Academic Editor of the journal Mathematical Problems in Engineering.
Dr. Miltiades D. Lytras is an Associate Professor at Deree - The American College of Greece and a Distinguished Scientist at the King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He is editor-in-chief of the International Journal on Semantic web and Information Systems. He has served as leading guest editor in 85 high-impact factor web of science indexed special issues in top academic journals and authored/edited 80 international books. He has also been named in the prestigious top computer scientists of the world list provided by Guide2Research.

Dr. Dimitris Kasselimis has been a member of the Deree faculty since 2015. His research interests are mainly focused on the neuropsychology of aphasia and neurodegenerative diseases. He has collaborated with researchers in Universities and Research Centers both in Greece and abroad and co-authored several research papers, book chapters, and conference abstracts. He serves as a research associate at Eginition Hospital, 1st Neurology Department, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Dr. Charalampos (Babis) Mainemelis is a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Alba Graduate Business School. His work has been published in the Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Academy of Management Annals, and several other leading academic journals. Dr. Mainemelis’ research has been widely profiled in the popular press, including the Financial Times, Sunday Times, Forbes, and Kathimerini. He is a member of the Academy of Management, the American Psychological Association, the Creative Education Foundation and the European Group for Organizational Studies.

Dr. Anna Giannopoulou-Merika is a Professor in the Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance at Deree, a Member of the ACG Institute for Hellenic Growth and Prosperity and an Academic Advisory Board Member of the ACG Center of Excellence in Logistics, Shipping and Transportation. Her current research interests cover forecasting, corporate governance and shipping. She is the author of a book in applied financial econometrics and over 50 refereed research papers in international journals, and has over 800 citations in google scholar. Her articles have been published in refereed international journals.

Dr. Nikolaos Mylonopoulos is Associate Dean of MBA Programs and Associate Professor of Information Systems at ALBA Graduate Business School, and a Research Area Leader in Digital Business and Social Media at the ACG Research, Technology and Innovation Network. Since 2001 he is Visiting Professor of Electronic Business at the Bordeaux School of Management, France. His research emphasizes on the management and economics of Information Systems in organizations and society. His work has been published in international refereed journals and conferences.
Dr. Constantinos Papadias is the Founding Executive Director of ACG’s Research, Technology and Innovation Network (RTIN), Professor of Information Technology at Deree and Alba and the Scientific Director of The American College of Greece Research Center (ACG-RC). He has published over 220 papers and 4 books, holds 12 patents, has received over 10,000 citations and is a Fellow of the IEEE and the European Alliance of Innovation.
Dr. Pavlos Vlachos is the Theodore Papalexopoulos Chair in Sustainability and a tenured Associate Professor of Marketing at Alba Graduate Business School and provides Institutional Support at the ACG Center of Excellence in Sustainability. His current research interests include (macro and micro) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and organizational social evaluations. He serves on the editorial board of Journal of Business Research and is a member of the academic network of Truvalue Labs™. His work has appeared in Harvard Business Review, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Industrial Marketing Management, and Journal of Business Research among others.
Anna Visvizi, Ph.D. (dr hab.) is Associate Professor in the Management & International Business Department, at the School of Business & Economics, Deree College. Her expertise covers issues pertinent to the intersection of politics, economics and information and communication technology (ICT), which translates in her research on applied aspects of ICT, especially AI and blockchain, in such domains as smart cities/smart villages, geopolitics, and business management. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, and Associate Editor of Digital Governance, Regulation and Policy, both ABS listed. Dr Visvizi is a Member of the Advisory Board to the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP) at the OECD.