In an atmosphere of joy and strong emotion, gazing into the future and children’s smiles, the Opening Ceremony of Pierce Kindergarten and Elementary School was held at East Campus, in Spata!

The President of the American College of Greece,
Dr. David G. Horner, welcomed the guests to the festive evening and invited to the podium, the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs,
Ms. Niki Kerameus, who addressed a greeting to the audience, representing the Minister at the Opening Ceremony of our School. Then, a brief speech by
Mr. Jim Logothetis, Chair of the Board of Trustees of The American College of Greece, followed, and in continuation,
Ms. Iliana Lazana, Senior Vice President of Administration & Pierce, presented the new School and thanked all the people who have contributed to its success.

The Holy Blessing (Agiasmos) was carried out by
Metropolitan Nikolaos of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki, while
Ms. Claudia Karydis, Vice President of Public Affairs, was the presenter of the event. Right before the cutting of the ribbon, the guests had the opportunity to enjoy a musical and theatrical performance with students and graduates of Pierce, a small journey into the world of knowledge and values, of love and making a contribution to our fellow human beings, dispositions that Pierce advocates, and imparts to its students. At the link that follows, you can find the
Opening Ceremony Program.

The Deree Student Music Ensemble provided the music for the reception that followed, and the guests were given a tour of the contemporary facilities of our new School!

Below, you can see more photographs from the Opening Ceremony, as well as the facilities of the Pierce Kindergarten and Elementary School.